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A Few Words About EWBF

Environment Without Borders Foundation (EWBF) is an Egyptian environmental focused NGO that established in 2015 under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity in Egypt with registration number 9743 for 2015.

EWBF works to contribute to national and global efforts on nature conservation while supporting local communities and achieving suitable development goals SDGs.

EWBF brings together members from different backgrounds who share a common interest in serving the natural environment as part of our social responsibility.

EWBF catalyses efforts and actively engages on and contributes to nature conservation and local community development projects and initiatives. We aim to support local and global environmental commitments in nature conservation, interpretation & awareness, education & capacity building, community development, and sustainable development utilizing the field experience of EWBF members.

EWBF also works to implement programs that improve the level of environmental awareness of beneficial communities, as well as support scientific research activities and create research cadres in the field of the environment and the use of modern technologies.

EWBF is also working on strengthening means of cooperation and partnership at the local and international levels to conserve natural resources in Egypt.

Areas Of Work


We highly care about the conservation and sustainable use of the natural resources, biodiversity and protected areas in Egypt. We work to contribute to the ongoing efforts in these fields. Our work include planning and implementation of projects and activities of environmental focus to tackle challenges that face out natural environment and threaten our lovely nature. Our focus are in the areas of; protected areas management & development, environmental and social impact assessment, environmental finance & economics, climate change, waste management, fundraising, advocacy and campaigning.


As part of our social responsibility towards our local community, we are highly concerned about improving the livelihood conditions especially for the marginalized communities and people live in remote areas. We work in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and relevant frameworks. We are keen to implement novel approaches for the sustainable community development such as; the Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM), Handcrafts Development, the Results Based Management (RBM), and the Ecosystem Approach.


It is crucial to improve the capacities of our community at its all deferent levels. Our work emphasizes on implementing several educational programs that target school students to improve their capabilities, skills and knowledge. We give high attention to training as a tool for improving the skills of the community members and preparing them to job market. Our work includes; community schools, TVET, and environmental awareness programs & solutions.


Innovation and technology are the future of our world. They can strongly contribute to improving our living communities and help enhance our environmental and social performance and practices. We work to build partnerships with various local and international organizations and groups to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in the areas of environmental conservation, education, technology and community development.